How We Work
Photo: Xaume Olleros/RTI
Once a data-driven opportunity is determined and a national government seeks our support to design a food fortification program, we explore the possibility to fortify grains and champion a realistic plan for implementation. At this stage, we help countries make their plan for fortification a reality.
PHASE 1: Explore and Engage
Once a data-driven opportunity is determined, FFI will:
Engage private sector
Engage birth defects groups, neurosurgeons, and consumer associations
Identify key challenges and opportunities
Identify a champion/champions within government
Determine what it will take to move forward
Once the government expresses permission and willingness to move to the next phase, FFI will move to the next phase of planning: food fortification program planning - map the context.
PHASE 2: Map the Context
Conduct a thorough supply chain analysis
Assess industry structure including readiness and reach of mills
Assess monitoring structure and needs
Map the legislative process
Assess budgetary needs (initial investment by sector and annual recurring costs) to ensure commitment and sustainability
If necessary, conduct a cost-benefit analysis making the case for fortification’s impact on national health and economic indicators
At this stage, FFI gives a formal presentation to the government to recommend effective staples and market channels based on diagnostic results. Once the government expresses permission and support of the plan, FFI will move to the next phase: designing a food fortification program - implement and develop.