Photo: Xaume Olleros/RTI
Milling infrastructure determines fortification feasibility
Understanding a country’s milling infrastructure determines fortification feasibility. Our focus is fortifying wheat flour, maize flour, and rice in industrial mills. For wheat and maize, this means mills with a capacity of at least 20 metric tons a day. Rice is most easily fortified in mills with a production capacity of at least 5 metric tons an hour. Rice can also be fortified in large distribution channels such as government programs.
To plan a realistic fortification program, it is crucial to understand the country’s milling infrastructure. Many countries have national milling associations, and these groups are essential in the planning process. Industry leaders can help identify the number of mills in a country which helps determine the food fortification regulations training and implementation process.
While modern flour mills may already have equipment needed, older mills may require a significant capital investment to begin flour fortification. Equipment needed for rice fortification depends on the fortification technology chosen. See more about rice fortification in answers to frequently asked questions.
For More Information:
See a case study from Iran for an example of a comprehensive industry analysis.
Smaller mills are sometimes called hammer mills or chakki mills. See resources for smaller mills.