FFI and Rockefeller Foundation launch a wheat flour fortification project to combat micronutrient deficiencies in Haryana, Maharashtra, and Rajasthan.
Read MoreFFI advances wheat flour fortification efforts in Türkiye with strategic meetings and partnerships during September 2023 trip to Istanbul and Ankara.
Read MoreFFI proposes regional food fortification initiative to combat micronutrient deficiencies and improve health outcomes across 21 Pacific Island nations.
Read MoreA 2023 FFI analysis found that less than 6% of corn masa products in the United States are fortified with folic acid.
Read MoreMauritius passed mandatory wheat flour fortification legislation in 2023, marking a major public health milestone in the fight against micronutrient deficiencies.
Read MoreFFI and its partners, with support from the Gates Foundation, are advancing large-scale food fortification by addressing data gaps and making critical information accessible to decision-makers worldwide through two new grants.
Read MoreA one-year update on USAID AFFORD, a five-year global initiative led by TechnoServe, FFI, and partners to combat micronutrient deficiencies through large-scale food fortification, focusing on vulnerable worldwide.
Read MoreFFI staff attended the Micronutrient Forum 6th Global Conference and the 2023 United Nations Climate Change Conference to share evidence highlighting the importance of fortification.
Read MoreSince its inception in 2002, FFI has partnered in more than 30 countries across the globe to build cereal grain fortification programs.
Read MoreThe preliminary results of the Haryana Demonstration Project are in—and they are a clear indication that fortification can lead to a healthier future in India.
Read MoreFFI and partners are supporting a proposed World Health Organization (WHO) World Health Assembly resolution introduced by the Government of Colombia that calls on all Member States to institute and strengthen large-scale food fortification (LSFF) programs.
Read MoreThe Malaysia Ministry of Health (MOH) demonstrated renewed dedication in 2022 to scale up and strengthen wheat flour fortification.
Read MoreMauritius first began planning its wheat flour fortification program in 2018 and has since made tremendous progress.
Read MoreIn 2022, FFI partnered with the Botswana Government, Southern African Development Community (SADC), and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) to facilitate Botswana’s development of a national food fortification strategy.
Read MoreIn 2022, FFI was one of four main partners invited to take part in a new USAID initiative: Advancing Food Fortification Opportunities to Reinforce Diets (AFFORD). Funded by USAID as part of Feed the Future, the US Government’s global hunger and food security initiative, USAID AFFORD represents a holistic approach to large-scale food fortification (LSFF) that puts businesses at the core of the solution while strategically engaging with public, private, and civil society sectors.
Read MoreFrom 2007-2021, Smarter Futures, the program under which FFI carries out the majority of its work in Africa, helped make fortification of wheat flour, maize flour, and rice a reality in dozens of countries across the continent.
Read MoreIn 2021, FFI led efforts in India to engage multi-sector fortification partners to reconsider the country’s current cereal grain standards and fight misinformation.
Read MoreOn 1 April 2021, FFI and partners held a workshop to refresh millers on their important role in fortification and to connect millers from the private and public sectors with other fortification stakeholders.
Read MoreFFI conducted a fortification assessment in Uganda in early 2021 to better understand how the COVID-19 pandemic had—and continues to—affect food producers and country commitments to fortify.
Read Morein 2021, the UK updated legislation to include folic acid in its mandatory wheat flour fortification standards.
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