Building a smarter, stronger, and healthier future

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Photo: Dominic Chavez/World Bank


We help country leaders plan, implement, and monitor fortification programs.






Fortification Around the World


Photo: FFI

Latest News

A recently published FFI market assessment in California and Texas finds that only 13% of corn masa products were fortified with folic acid. If these corn masa products were fortified, an additional 235 birth defects in the US could be prevented each year.

Photo: Neil Palmer/CIAT

Photo: Neil Palmer/CIAT


Opportunities to Give

The global health burden of vitamin and mineral deficiencies is profound. The way to a healthier future is clear. With your help, we can reach 1.5 billion more people over the next five years with adequately fortified flour and rice.

Photo: Ousmane Traore/World Bank

Photo: Ousmane Traore/World Bank

COVID-19 and Fortification

More than ever, food fortification with iron, folic acid, zinc, and other essential nutrients is a life-saving intervention vital to reducing the risk of malnutrition—before, during, and after pandemics.

Photo: Jim Homes/AusAid

Photo: Jim Homes/AusAid

Country Profiles

Information on grain practices, legislation status, grain available for human consumption, milling industry information, and nutrient deficiency indicators.


Today’s children.
Tomorrow’s leaders.

According to estimates, an additional 82% of birth defects of the brain and spine and 34% of anemia could still be prevented globally through adequate intake of iron and folic acid.

More needs to be done.


Photo: Armine Grigoryan/World Bank


Annual Report

Celebrating 20 years

In 2022, FFI celebrated 20 years engaging public, private, and civic partners to help countries around the world establish sustainable fortification programs that will improve lives for years to come. Over the course of 2022, we provided technical assistance for grain fortification in 33 countries across five broad areas: Africa, the Americas, Asia-Pacific, Europe, and India. Read the report to learn more about highlights including:

  • Preliminary results of an assessment that measured the impact of a wheat flour fortification program in Haryana, India, on beneficiaries’ health.

  • Updated estimates on the current status of global wheat flour, maize flour, and rice fortification.