Economic Consequences of Micronutrient Deficiencies and Potential Economic Benefit of Fortification by Quentin Johnson, Smarter Futures

Fortification Assessment Coverage Toolkit (FACT) Results and Implications by Lynnette Neufeld, Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition

Opportunities and Constraints that Affect National Food Control Systems Effectiveness in Africa by Philip Randall, Smarter Futures

Monitoring, Surveillance and Evaluation of a Food Fortification Programme by Anna Verster, Smarter Futures, with thanks to Ibrahim Parvanta

Food Fortification Legislation and Standards - Theoretical Considerations by Quentin Johnson with contributions from Philip Randall, Smarter Futures

Food Fortification Legislation and Standards In Practice by Philip Randall with contributions from Quentin Johnson, Smarter Futures

Fortification at the Mill - Premix and Feeders by Quentin Johnson with contributions from Philip Randall, Smarter Futures

Milling Industry Quality Assurance Principles and Practices by by Philip Randall with contributions from Quentin Johnson, Smarter Futures

Fortification of Maize Milled Products by Andrew Chintala and Steve Silwizya, National Foods, Zambia

Quality Control Tests for Iron, Vitamin A and C, and Folic Acid by Tom Hellemans and Filip Van Bockstaele, Ghent University

Chemical Tests: How to Understand Your Measurement Method and Your Result by Philip Randall, Smarter Futures