Consumption monitoring determines if fortified products are used
An important part of monitoring is determining whether fortified flour and rice are being used. Grain fortification can only have a health impact if fortified rice and foods made with fortified flour are consumed. This aligns with food fortification regulations to ensure widespread use and effectiveness.
For this monitoring component, questions related to monitoring of fortified flour consumption, monitoring of fortified rice consumption, and monitoring how much fortified food is eaten can be included in household surveys which countries conduct for other purposes. Existing data collection tools that could be used include:
Cross-sectional community surveys
Cross-sectional household surveys
School surveys or censuses
Cluster surveys
Sentinel site monitoring (see FORTIMAS in English, français, português)
Lot quality assurance sampling (LQAS)
Market surveys
Such surveys identify whether the population being assessed has access to fortified rice, fortified flour, and foods made with fortified flour. Household surveys that collect information on food consumption or expenditures also indicate whether people consume enough of the fortified product to meet the program’s nutritional goals.
If fortified foods are not available in a large proportion of households and non-fortified foods are frequently consumed, survey questions can help determine why fortified foods are not being purchased. The results of household monitoring can be used to revise a fortification program and improve its effectiveness in line with food fortification guidelines.
For more information, see presentations from the Consumption Monitoring and Nutrition Surveillance workshop.