Photo: Xaume Olleros/RTI
Resources for implementing rice fortification
As implementing rice fortification evolves as a way to improve public health, multi-sector partners are working together to provide technical resources. Some of the recent implementation resources include:
World Food Program 2019 handbook for millers on the production of extruded fortified rice kernels
World Health Organization 2018 guideline for fortification of rice with vitamins and minerals as a public health strategy
Technical manual for rice fortification in a toolkit from the Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition (GAIN) and PATH
Rapid qualitative assay for fortified rice, developed for non-laboratory use, such as regulatory monitoring. See the standard operating procedures and the documentation for the assay
Worksheet for stakeholders in countries considering mandating fortification of rice imports
Answers to frequently asked questions about rice fortification, including available technology and fortified kernel suppliers
Technical considerations for rice fortification in public health in a special issue of the Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences
Strategic paper prepared for the World Health Organization's Western Pacific Regional Office for factors determining the feasibility of fortifying wheat flour and rice.
Map of countries with mandatory rice fortification and those where more than 75 grams of rice are available for human consumption per day.
FFI and Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition (GAIN) report on the feasibility and potential coverage of fortified rice in the Africa rice supply chain
Fortified rice has the potential to improve nutrition for 130 million people in 12 African countries
Proposed nutrients and nutrient levels for rice fortification
Summary of the World Food Programme's experience with rice fortification
August 2016 presentation on evidence and current status of rice fortification and lessons learned from grain fortification
Public and private sector experiences on rice fortification in Colombia. Also see a PowerPoint presentation based on this study.
Scaling Up Rice Fortification in Asia, a workshop report published by Sight and Life and the World Food Programme in 2015
Rice fortification's impact on nutrition, a peer-reviewed brief written by the Food Fortification Initiative October 2014
World Food Programme (WFP) experiences with fortified rice, as presented by Judith Smit, Rice Fortification Manager for the WFP Regional Bureau for Asia, in April 2014
A video explaining one extrusion rice fortification technique in English and Portuguese
Rice fortification plan implementation: Its potential for improving micronutrient intake and steps required for implementation at scale. Food and Nutrition Bulletin, 2012, vol. 33, no. 4. S360-S372
Implementing rice fortification: An emerging opportunity to contribute to the elimination of vitamin and mineral deficiency worldwide. Food and Nutrition Bulletin, 2012, vol. 33, no. 4, 296-307
Rice Fortification in Developing Countries: A Critical Review of the Technical and Economic Feasibility, a 2008 publication by the U.S. Agency for International Development, A2Z, Academy for Educational Development, and the Institute of Food Technologies
Dinámicas de los sectores del arroz para lograr su fortificación: La experiencia de Colombia y sus lecciones
La fortificación del grano de arroz. Un repaso de la oportunidad que representa la fortificación del grano del arroz para la población consumidora de arroz y para la industria arrocera y las opciones tecnológicas que existen para realizarla
Resumen de las Evidencias y Situación Actual de la Fortificación del Arroz y Desafíos en la Fortificación de Granos