WHA Side Event: Folic Acid Fortification to Prevent Spina Bifida
24 May 2022
Location: Geneva, Switzerland
During the World Health Organization’s 75th World Health Assembly (WHA75) in Geneva, Switzerland, the G4 Alliance, International Federation for Spina Bifida and Hydrocephalus, and Global Alliance for Prevention of Spina Bifida (GAPSBiF), which includes FFI, organized the WHA75 side event “Folic Acid Fortification to Prevent Spina Bifida.”
Photo: Dr. Helena Pachon presents evidence that food fortification with folic acid is safe, effective, and cost-effective. (Sylvia Roozen/International Federation for Spina Bifida and Hydrocephalus)
Photo: GAPSBiF team at the 75th World Health Assembly, Geneva, Switzerland. (Vijaya Kancherla/Center for Spina Bifida Prevention)
The side event showcased GAPSBiF and partners’ call for global action to prevent birth defects like spina bifida through food fortification with folic acid. By bringing together key stakeholders including policymakers, patient care leaders, non-governmental organizations, and member states, the event generated momentum for a future WHA resolution on folic acid fortification to prevent spina bifida.
Among other presenters at the side event, FFI’s Research Director, Helena Pachon, provided an overview of evidence that food fortification with folic acid is safe, effective, and cost-effective.