Remembering Anna
Photo courtesy of Anna Verster’s Family
Anna Verster
14 May 1947 – 18 June 2021
With a heavy heart, we share that our colleague Anna Verster passed away on 18 June 2021 surrounded by her family at home in the Netherlands. For nearly 20 years, Anna provided invaluable insight and expertise as Senior Advisor for the Food Fortification Initiative (FFI). A lifelong advocate for food fortification, Anna’s work in Africa, the Middle East, and Europe has left an indelible imprint on the lives of millions.
Anna was founding mother of Smarter Futures, a multi-sector partnership working to advance grain fortification in Africa, and worked closely together with FFI in public-private-civic partnerships to improve health in Africa through food fortification. Today at least 27 countries in Africa have mandatory wheat and maize flour fortification.
Friends and colleagues of Anna will remember her for being a determined and knowledgeable leader in the field of food fortification and nutrition. As Director of Health Promotion for the World Health Organization (WHO) Eastern Mediterranean Region Office, Anna was responsible for the introduction of fortification of salt, wheat flour, and vegetable oil in the region. Following her retirement, she worked as WHO Senior Advisor for the Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition before founding Smarter Futures with FFI and the International Federation for Spina Bifida and Hydrocephalus (IF) in 2004.
A mentor and inspiration, countless nutrition advocates around the world credit Anna for their passion for food fortification. To many, Anna was known as Mama Lishe, Swahili for Mother Fortification. One FFI staff member who had worked closely with Anna through Smarter Futures noted, “Anna was full of life, no matter the circumstances. She encouraged us to trust in life.” We will miss her dearly.
Before Anna passed away, she received a special IF Award of Excellence on behalf of FFI, IF, and the partners of Smarter Futures. A scholarship memorial fund in her name has been created to honor Anna’s legacy and encourage young academics to make fortification with folic acid a reality in countries worldwide.
In lieu of flowers, anyone who so desires may send a contribution to the Anna Verster Scholarship. Please make sure the donation is done under the name Anna Verster Scholarship on the following bank account:
International Federation for Spina Bifida and Hydrocephalus
Anna Verster Scholarship
IBAN: BE43 4097 0695 1101