Menu for Action: Food Systems Delivering Better Health
21 September 2021
Location: Virtual
Against the backdrop of the UN Food Systems Summit, the World Health Organization (WHO) held a virtual teaser event to pre-launch its six briefs on actions in the food system to deliver better health and nutrition for all:
Public Food Procurement
Fiscal Policies
Regulating of Marketing to Children
Nutrition Labelling
Food Fortification
Food Product Reformulation
The short event aimed to provide information to countries' decision makers and food system actors on these evidence-based food system interventions while they were in the process of developing their national pathways for food system transformation, and to support them to achieve the global nutrition and NCD targets by 2025, and the SDGs by 2030.
It also demonstrated the link of the six promoted food systems actions to the aims and vision of the Healthy Diets Coalition to be launched at the Food Systems Summit. In the discussion, FFI represented efforts to reduce micronutrient malnutrition through large-scale food fortification.