Egypt: Follow-up Workshop for Millers
Photo: Workshop attendees. (FFI/4PR)
After the success of FFI and partners’ April 2021 workshop for millers, FFI collaborated with the Ministry of Supply and Internal Trade (MOSIT) to host a follow-up workshop for millers on 27 February 2022.
The workshop was held with the following FFI partners: the Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition (GAIN), the International Federation for Spina Bifida and Hydrocephalus (IF), and United Nations International Children’s Education Fund (UNICEF). The workshop reached millers and stakeholders from across the country to share key advocacy messages on the importance of wheat flour fortification, and to continue building the country’s momentum towards launching a national wheat flour fortification program.
The workshop brought together more than 100 stakeholders from private, public, and civic sectors including the Egypt National Food Safety Authority, National Nutrition Institute, Food Holding Company, and Ministry of Health. Other organizations present included the World Health Organization (WHO) and USAID as well as members from Harvard University, ambassadors, the American Chamber of Commerce, and others. The forum was a unique opportunity for all the stakeholders engaged in fortification to meet, exchange progress, flag areas that need to be addressed, and recommend next steps for a national launch of flour fortification in Egypt. The workshop was also an opportunity to bring in new players to the fortification arena.
The workshop’s format actively engaged participants and created a dynamic day full of interest, participation, and energy. The workshop engaged the participants through training modules, presentations by experts, quizzes, and effective moderation that highlighted the significance of fortification to Egyptians and for Egypt meeting goals outlined in its Vision 2030 and 100 Million Healthy Lives Initiative.
Photo: Nada Elhusseiny, FFI Egypt and North Africa Technical Advisor, presents. (FFI/4PR)
Photo: Workshop attendees. (FFI/4PR)
This workshop was yet another demonstration of FFI’s role as a programmatic catalyst, bringing key partners together and reaching out to new ones to further advocate for fortification by presenting evidence of its impact. Participants left the workshop with clarity regarding the significance of their work, both within and beyond the mill, and developed a better understanding of their work’s role in meeting the goal of creating a stronger and healthier future for Egypt.
FFI is exploring and expanding partnerships with a number of new private, public, and civic organizations that expressed interest in the fortification program at the workshop. Many of these organizations are interested in learning more about the program and the various ways their organization can support it.
As the momentum for Egypt’s flour fortification program builds, FFI and its partners continue to maintain relationships with decision makers and stakeholders in the country. Through partnerships and on-call technical assistance, FFI is supporting Egypt to create a solid foundation for its flour fortification program and strengthen nutrition.