Advocacy Alliances and Toolkit Launch



16 July 2024




On July 16, 2024, the Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition (GAIN), the Society for Birth Defects Research, and the Food Fortification Initiative (FFI) co-hosted the second webinar in a two-part series titled "Fortifying Nations: Forging New Alliances for Food Fortification." Details on the first webinar in the series can be found here: 76th WHA Resolution on Micronutrient Fortification of Staple Foods to Prevent Birth Defects: The Way Forward.

This event highlighted the importance of building advocacy alliances for food fortification, featuring insights from representatives from advocacy coalitions in Uganda, Bangladesh, Nigeria, and Ethiopia. These representatives shared their experiences on how coalition and alliance building can drive long-term, sustainable advocacy for food fortification. Additionally, a new large-scale food fortification advocacy toolkit was launched to empower advocates to speak confidently about fortification during conversations with government and industry leaders. 

During the webinar, Scott Montgomery, FFI Director, presented alongside Ruth Nalugya, National Coordinator, Spina Bifida and Hydrocephalus Association of Uganda (SHAU), on FFI's partnership with SHAU to undertake the pull strategy in Uganda, a project that was supported by GAIN.

Jessie Genoway, FFI Communications Director, introduced a new global fortification advocacy toolkit with Kristin Sundell, Senior Advocacy Specialist, GAIN, and provided an overview of the current advocacy moment. The toolkit equips national-level advocates to push for the inclusion of a food fortification commitment as part of their government's pledge at the 2025 Nutrition for Growth Summit and to meet the goals outlined in the WHA resolution on food fortification. Created with the support of FFI, GAIN, USAID AFFORD, and other members of the Global Fortification Technical Advisory Group (GF TAG), the toolkit is intended for use across organizations to amplify our collective efforts for improved global nutrition and advance food fortification goals.

This webinar was moderated by Shawn Baker, Chief Program Officer of Helen Keller International, and featured:

  • Oluwatoyin Oyekenu, GAIN, Nigeria

  • Kristin Sundell, Senior Advocacy Specialist, GAIN

  • Ashek Mahfuz, GAIN, Bangladesh

  • Beza Haile, Hope Spina Bifida and Hydrocephalus, Ethiopia

  • Melat Betini, SUN Business Network, Ethiopia

  • Lovelyn Agbor-Gabriel, Civil Legislative Society, Nigeria

  • Ruth Nalugya, National Coordinator, Spina Bifida and Hydrocephalus 

  • Dr. Sudipta Kumer Mukherjee, Associate Professor & Head, Department of Paediatric Neurosurgery, National Institute of Neuroscience & Hospital (NINSH), Bangladesh

  • Scott Montgomery, Director, FFI

  • Jessie Genoway, Communications Director, FFI



Learn more from GAIN

Global food fortification advocacy toolkit
